Thursday 21 April 2011

Now info lit is sounding like the new science.

Hey reading

Made another connection after reading my second article about info lit.  It contains a list of skills students are supposed to be using for information literacy, as listed below.  And while reading them, I thought they sounded an awful lot like the skills listed in the Science strand of the new Australian Curriculum.

Here is what was on the second article:

Student Skills and Strategies

The student uses habits of mind:
  • recognize problems
  • formulate hypotheses
  • make good predictions
  • ask important questions
  • locate, analyze, interpret, evaluate and record information and ideas
  • assume multiple stances
  • apply heuristic strategies
  • develop complex understanding
  • extend understanding through creative models
  • apply understanding to new problems
  • Taken from "Information literacy: building blocks of...."
Here is what is in the new Australain Curriculum.  Go to the science inquiry skills and click on each one - a lot of parallels!
Year 2 science Australian Curriculum

The History strand has a bit too but does not tie in as obviously or as easily as the science strand does:
Yr 2 History Australian Curriculum

SOOOOO can we use science to cover/teach/reinforce our info lit skills?

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