Friday 11 March 2011

How should TLs prioritise the roles they play in schools?

How should TLs prioritise the roles they play in schools?
These are my thoughts after comparing the Johnson and Lamb article with that of Purcell and Herring.

A lot will probably depend on the school and its priorities. If they just want a person in the library who will occupy the students for 45 mins so teachers get the required amount of release time as stipulated in their enterprise bargaining agreement, then what you initially do may be quite separate from what goes on in classrooms.

There would be things you could do to increase the collaborative aspect – simply emailing teachers and asking what their units of study are for that term would at least tie it in with the classroom learning.

Much would also hinge on the sympathy of the head of the school as to how they see your role and how sympathetic they are to a change in that. For instance, your requests to run staff PD sessions showing the usefulness of Kidspiration may depend on the HOD saying yay or neigh.

I like the idea suggested in Johnson and Lamb where you Show teachers how using IT can make their job easier and Fit in with what is already being taught, rather than have isolated, stand-alone lessons.

I guess then, that the first few steps in working out your priorities would include working out what the current role of the TL is, finding a school mission statement, stock taking what you have so far in terms of Info Lit resources, talking to staff regarding their views on what a TL should be doing – that is, get a feel for what is already there.

Once you’ve done that, compare that to your list of what a TL should do, decide what is achievable, then work out a plan to get there.


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