Wednesday 16 March 2011

Amazed at how vital yet unknown

As I'm reading more and more about Teacher Librarians (or Media Specialist or what ever you want to call them) there is a growing sense of a dichotomy between how undefined the role is and yet how vital it seems to be.  Everybody says how important and vital they are, yet no-one seems to be able to say exactly what they do.

On one hand, although there are many highly esteemed and educated persons trying to define the role of a TL, there is no one definitive definition.  One says this, another adds this aspect in, yet another says this is the most important thing and so on and so on.  Added to that is that not many people know what a TL does - and if we can't define it, no wonder!

On the other hand, even though we can't figure out exactly what a TL does, there is so much saying that having a good TL in your school has a dramatic effect on student learning, achievement etc etc.

So, even if no-one actually know what a TL does, you better get one anyway!


1 comment:

  1. Through my few weeks of reading what a TL role is, I feel bemused by so many definitions. Perhaps through experience and working with the school, a job descriptions needs to establish. I'm sure we will learn more as we go!

    Your fellow student, Ronnie
